Hazrat Amir Muhammad, son of Hazrat Musa Ibn-e Jafar and his brother,Hazrat Shahecheragh were born from the same mother. That great man was a man of knowledge, advisability and virtuousness. In the period of Ma’mun Abbasi’s reign, he with some Shiites, near friends and family left Medina and moved toward Tous in order to visit his brother, Imam Reza.
As it is said in Shahecheragh’s elegy, in a fierce battle against Ghotlogh (Fars governor)’s army, some of Bani-Hashem family members were martyrized and some of them dispersed and hid.
Hazrat Amir Muhammad also hid; then his death or martyrdom is not clear. But it is proved that he was inscribing the holy Quran when he was hidden and by its earnings, he released several slaves. It is said that he was known as ‘Muhammad Abed’(the pious Muhammad) because of his numerous praying to God.
About the year of 725 A.H, Mirza Enayatollah Dastgheib has observed a light in his house and after searching he saw a grave stone. Later it was found that the body of Hazrat Sayyed Amir Muhammad has been buried in that house.
Mirza Enayatollah Dastgheib became the founder of this holy man’s shrine and then he entailed some lands to extend it.
“The grave of Hazrat Amir Muhammad has a high-ranking and blessed shrine that is a place of confidence and reliance for people to worship God.

Sheikh Mofid stated in “Ershad”:
“Muhammad, the son of Imam Musa Kazem has nice personality, generosity and beneficence. Most of the time Muhammad, the son Musa, was praying. At night he was refreshing his ablution or was in praying; since it is continuingly heard the sound of pouring water of ablution on his face. Part of the night he was in praying, then he rest for a short time and again he got up and renewed his ablution and started praying. It was so on until morning. As I visit that holy man, I remember what God says: the virtuous men are used to sleep for a short time at night, and then they worship their God.
He states about that holy man in page 448 of “Asar al-Ajam” :
The holy mausoleum of Sayyed Amir Muhammad is a sanctuary. Hazrat Musa Ibn-e Jafar was his father. He and his brother, Shahecheragh, were born from the same mother. That great man was a learned and virtuous man who moved to Shiraz and lived there in seclusion. It is said that he released several slaves by his earnings of inscribing holy Quran. There are various states written about his passing, it is not clear if he died or suffered martyrdom.
However his mausoleum is the place of pilgrimage, circumambulating and grace. There are several descendants of the prophet, good and pious ones, buried beside him. On his left, is a small sepulcher with a board written on it: “Ebrahim Ibn-e Muhammad Ibn-e Musa” who is said to be his son, and I read in some books that Hazrat Sayyed Amir Muhammad had a son named Ebrahim Mojab. In Iraq, near the holy shrines, there is also a grave known as Ebrahim Mojab who said was another son of Hazrat Sayyed Amir Muhammad. There is a cupola on his mausoleum which was built by Zahirodoleh in current age. Later in the period of Nader_shah Afshar’s reign, this mausoleum has been repaired. The shrine has been silver-worked by the late prince, Motamedodoleh Oveis Mirza that is designed with the poems of the late Farhang and the excellent handwriting of the late Mirza Alireza Hosseini.
The near walls which surrounded the holy grave are decorated with mirrors by above mentioned prince. Several plots of lands, farms and excellent buildings had been dedicated to this great shrine which administrated by Dastgheib family, but those were decayed by others, also because of passing long time.
However, an honorable scientist named Agha Mirza Hedayatollah tried and succeeded to take back some of those dedicated properties and used that payment for the sanctuary.
The walls near the holy tomb and the whole ceiling are decorated with mirrors in 1259 A.H, in the governing period of Oveis Mirza who is known as Ehteshamodoleh, the son of Haj Motamedodoleh Farhad Mirza and in the age of Abolhassan Alhosseini administration. The late poet Veghar, has composed a poem in 25 lines which installed under glassy sheet on three sides of the holy tomb.
His shrine and cupola were built very well, and there is a silver parapet around his holy sepulture in order to protect it from being destroyed.
It is written in “Eghlim Pars”:
There is an inhabitable short way on the east side of Shahecheragh’s shrine yard toward other shrine that belongs to Sayyed Amir Muhammad who is known as Sayyed Amir Ahmad (Shahecheragh)’s brother.
The entrance port of this mausoleum on the south side is decorated with tale-work. Its inside contains a simple wide shrine that the holy grave is located on the north side. And there is a mosque that is the shrine symmetry located on the other side of sepulcher. Behind the shrine there is a tomb that is related to Sayyed Ebrahim. This parapet is decorated beautifully with khatam of the Zandieh government age. The main building that was made in 10th century A.H seemed to be repaired and re-decorated in the ages of Zandieh and Ghajar government.